Thursday 26 February 2015

How cool is this!

Awhina is such an inspiration!

In class we have been talking about Matthew 22v39

"The second most important commandment is: "Love others as much as you love yourself."

We read a book the opposite of what we want to do called 'That's mean!' by Pittau & Gervais.  Then we wrote our own books called 'That's kind!' in response.

Our wonderful Awhina went home that night and wrote her own book!  She has inspired others to do the same!

Thursday 19 February 2015


"Saving the day by the way we are acting and the choices we're making!"

We know the real hero is on the inside.

We have been talking in class about how we can be real life hero's, loving and learning in A3.  Here are some of the ideas we have come up with.

  • Do the right thing fast!
  • Think
  • Make good choices
  • Listen
  • Never give up
  • Try their best
  • Encourage
  • Keep people safe
  • Give others a go
  • Respect everything God made because his creations are valuable!
  • Care
  • Are kind
  • Are brave
  • Are helpful
  • Are polite (they use their sweet treats)
  • Are problem solvers
  • Are a good friend
  • Are honest
These are a Real Life Hero's SUPER POWERS! 

People in our class are already standing out with their particular super powers. Some are really good at keeping people safe, others are helpful, others encourage us.  Some are fast - they listen quickly and are on the mat in a flash!  People are being brave, too.  Our superheroes really are saving the day and our learning by the way they are acting and we love our learning because of it.

If you know a Real Life Superhero tell us who they are and what their super power is below in the comment box!