Friday 30 June 2017

Noah's Lunch time Science Lesson and Kody's Model

These boys are super innovative!

As Noah was eating his cruskits and honey the other day and made a rather insightful connection. In this video Noah gives us an object lesson on tectonic plates. Sorry you might have to turn your head sideways but it was too good not to post.
I think you would make a terrific teacher Noah!!!!

Kody made a very cool model of the earths layers before school. It was totally his own idea. I can see the hot mantle layer under the earths crust when you open it up. 
Maybe you will be a scientist one day Kody!

Experimenting with God's Invisible Awesome Forces

Magnetism and Static Electricity
Don't you love it how science and God work hand in hand. We sure do!

All things were created by him. He created everything in heaven and on earth. He created everything that can be seen and everything that can't be seen.
Colossians 1:16

We had loads of fun this week experimenting with some invisible awesome forces. On Friday, we tried the lot!

Magnets are super fun! Depending on the way they are flipped they repel or attract each other!

Wow Aiden how did you get that paperclip to defy gravity???

We made cans roll along the ground, raised hair, picked up paper snowflakes, moved straws with our hands, suspended paper clips in the air and even bent water. We did all of this without touching a single one of the things we moved. It's not magic. It's God's creation!
 Scientists experimenting and discovering everywhere!

June's Calendar Challenge!

Congratulations you clever people you!

June's Kingdom Kid

Our Lovely Olivia
Her Kingdom Kid award says...
"Olivia knows people are important and she shows it. She uses kind words and actions, is patient, uses her manners and listens to others. You are one super respectful Kingdom Kid Olivia. You’re awesome!"

Monday 26 June 2017

Sound of the Week - 'i'

Can you find something beginning with 'i' this week? Post it if you do! 👍

Thursday 22 June 2017

Memory Verse -Do not be afraid!

So do not be afraid. I am with you. Do not be terrified I am your God. I will make you strong and help you. My powerful right hand will take good care of you. I always do what is right. 
Isaiah 41:10

Monday 19 June 2017

Sound of the week! 'n'

Can you find something beginning with 'n' this week? Post it if you do! 👍

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Sound of the Week 'ou'

Can you find something with the 'ou' sound this week? Post it if you do! 👍

Look what Samantha found!

It's a weta!
Very special to see one up close! We had to take the photos quickly before we had a weta loose in the classroom!
It is hard to see in the photos but this weta must be a female because it has an ovipositor at the end. It looks like a stinger but it's not. For more information on weta's click on the links below.

May's Calendar Challenge!

Congratulations Entrants! You all got the animal and where they live correct this month. Our panda was not a red panda but a GIANT PANDA.
We were so impressed with your creativity!!!

Here are close ups of some pretty creative presentation skills...

Books! Aiden's book is shaped like a Giant Panda. That gets my attention and makes me want to open it! So do maps and illustrations. Well done boys (and everyone who added these).

A puzzle! Isla made a puzzle and hid interesting information under each piece of her Panda Puzzle. The head, ears, tummy, arms and legs all come out! Visit our classroom to discover what is under each piece.

Art! Sarah created her Giant Panda using collage. It was a fun idea to get the Giant Panda to tell us the information about itself in speech bubbles!

Everyone who entered did an awesome job!

Thursday 1 June 2017


We made Vowel Puppets and acted out our new song!
We taught our buddies at buddy reading time!